Over the past few years I've entertained myself by writing some
games that our friends and we like to play after dinner (and a
margarita or two.) I decided to tidy them up and put them here so
you may have some fun too. Give them a try, and
please let me know what
you think.. I'm especially interested in any problems you
might have. Please
report all bugs and
be as specific as you can. Thanks.
My trivia game is designed to be played with as many players
as you like. One player is assigned to be the
Master of
Ceremonies. It is his job to ask the questions and grade
the answers. This game will require some preparation from the
Master of
Ceremonies. The questions may be multiple choice or
open-ended. Some sample question sets are provided. This
game goes on as long as the questions last. Two minutes per
question is a reasonable appoximation.
This is a slower paced game where the object is to fool the
other players. Each player is given the beginning of a phase
phase and must make up the ending. After all of the players
have finished, their answers, along with the "correct" answer,
is shown to everybody. You score points by either voting for
the correct phrase or having someone else vote for your
phrase. This game can go on as long as the tequila lasts.
To try any of the above games, just click on the corresponding
picture. By the way, I don't collect any kind of data about you
other than your (arbitrary) username and enough data so that I
don't repeat any phrases you have seen before. I don't even use
cookies, so no worries amigo.
By the way, in case you're a techy like me, all of the server code
was written in Haskell, and the client code was written with
Over the years I've had to track down a few
bugs, but nothing like I had to track down when I was using PERL.
I have some pages about Haskell
Quote of the day:
Ninety percent of the politicians
give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
Henry Kissinger
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