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Next we enter where the queen lives, Queen Nadine
that is. Her faithful subjects, Belle and Venus await her
regal presence. Nadine has always wanted a four-poster
bed, so here it is. Also, you'll notice that she too has a
diskless workstation on a cart that she can roll around,
so she never has to get out of bed to shop on

Here is Nadine's TV, where she likes to watch Dr.
Phil and Oprah. To the left is a big white shutter. This
is our siesta room. When we close the doors and lower the
shutter, the room is pretty much pitch black. We try to
take a siesta almost every day from about 2-4pm, so please
don't call us during that time, we won't answer the phone

Here is the same shot, with the shutter up. A whole
new little sitting area is revealed.

Here we are in the sitting area. The table and
chairs are acrylic, with a glass top. The statue on the
table is another

To the right of the tv are the kennels for the
dogs. When they get a little to rowdy, we have them spend
some quiet time in their kennels, which it seems to me
they really enjoy. Next to the kennels is a Bang-Olufsen
stereo. The painting is another Osorio. Notice the open
cabinet door under the tv. Well it leads to the patio, so
the kitties can come and go as they please.

At the other end of the room is Nadine's chest of
drawers, and another Osorio. I told you Osorio was her

Here is the view to the left out of her sitting
area. We used to own the tennis court next door, but sold
it a few years ago when cash got a little tight.

Here is the view to the right. As you can see, we
live in the marina section of the El Cid development.
There are still a lot of lots available, so come on

Here's part of Nadine's bathroom, and look who's in
there primping. Nadine never met a hair care product she
didn't like, or at least try out.

Here is Nadine's shower. It is large enough that we
could conceivably rent it out to a grad student, provided
we included meals.

Here is the other side of the bathroom, where our
new (2003) kitty, Jarod, likes to hang out.

And now the part the ladies have been waiting for,
Nadine's closet. This is after we reorganized it a few
days ago.

But that's only the half of it. Here is the other
side of the closet. She is one of Ebay's best customers,
with over 350 positive feedbacks, and no

And here is the picture that started it all. She
keeps it next to her bed as a reminder. Nadine and I met
on May 20, 1990 at the Club Med in Sonora Bay (Guyamas).
It was the first time that either of us had ever
vacationed alone. The first night we were there, the club
arranged a
singles dinner so that all the people who were on their
own could meet. Some drunk guy was trying to hit on Nadine before
dinner, so as we prepared to be seated, she come over to where I
was and ask if she could sit with me. So this beautiful blond, in
a striking red top comes over and asks to sit with me, a geek
from California, and what am I going to say but
SURE!. We got to talking during dinner, and
afterwards we took a walk on the beach, where I explained how
microwave ovens work. She didn't fall asleep, or make me feel
like tech-trash, so I was hooked. We spent the next three days
together, having fun, during that time they had a little art
exhibit at the resort. This was one of the paintings, and we both
admired it. She was scheduled to leave a couple of days later,
and I bought it for her without her knowing about it. As she was
on the bus, I climbed on (I was staying a couple of extra days),
and gave this to her. She later told me that it was the first
unconditional gift she had ever received. For all both of us
knew, we would never see each other again. Well, about three
months later I get a phone call from Nadine, inviting me to visit
her in Los Angeles. The rest, shall we say, is history, and a
wonderful history it is.
Quote of the day:
Do Not Disturb signs should be written
in the language of the hotel maids.
Tim Bedore
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