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Here is the outside of the front door. We had the
stained glass made here in Mazatlan. Notice that we are
greeted at the front door by Sparky, a dalmatian with a
rather wooden expression. The flowerpots on the sides of
the entry are (trying) to grow gardenias, Nadine's
favorite flower. At the top is a retractable awning, that
comes forward when the sun is out, to protect the nice
finish on the door.

As you walk through the door, and look to the
right, you will see this. The painting was done by
Alin Aguilar, the daughter of our vet,
Rafael Aguilar. See if you
can find
Gatita in the mix. The beautiful cobalt
blue crystal came from Ireland, during our visit back in 1993. To
the right of that is a statue by
Paul Braslow called
Unto each Other.

On the other side of the wall is a painting by
Trinidad Osorio, an onyx penguin, a bronze ballerina by
Villareal, and finally a little butler that greets you as
you enter. Osorio is well known in Mexico for his use of
bright colors and images containing little girls and
flowers. He is one of Nadine's favorite painters, and she
has quite a collection of his work.

The saga of the chandelier. When we built the
house, back in 1995, we wanted to put a nice big
chandelier in the entry way. We looked in every lighting
store in Mazatlan, but to no avail. I happened to be in
Culiacan one day (a two hour drive from here) in order to
shop at Sears (can you believe driving for two hours to
shop at Sears.) While I was there, I noticed a lighting
store next door with nice chandeliers, but it was closed.
I write down their phone numbers and called them from
Mazatlan after I returned. My Spanish was very limited at
the time, and all I could communicate was that we wanted
to be sure they would be open if we made the trip back. So
we made an appointment for the following week, and again
drove two hours to the chandelier shop. We talked to the
lady who worked there (obviously not the owner) and
inquired about the chandelier we we wanted to buy. She
told us it was $6000 USD. After picking ourselves up off
the floor, we asked if the price was flexible. She said
all she could sell it for was $6000, but perhaps the owner
might give us a discount. She would call him. Well, a half
hour of trying to contact the owner was futile, so we made
the two hour trek back to Mazatlan.
Fast forward about 6 years, and Nadine is having Lasix surgery
in Guadalajara. I decide to go for a walk, and come across a
lighting store with much nicer chandeliers than the ones in
Culiacan. I go back for Nadine, and we enter the store. The owner
is there, and speaks perfect English. We inquire about one of his
chandeliers, and he tells us it is imported from Austria, and
make of genuine Austrian crystal. How much we ask? Well, $2000USD
including shipping and installation.
Sold! And here it is, hanging in our entry

Finally, as you look off to the left, we have the
door leading to the bedroom area, and two more of Eileen's
paintings. Eileen is a really talented artist, who has
just graduated (2003) from university in marine biology.
We wish her the very best, and plan to commission more
paintings from her if she is agreeable.
Quote of the day:
If your dog is fat, you aren't getting
enough exercise.
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