When I opened my salon, I went through a lot of trouble to purchase the best equipment I could find. All of my scissors and hair styling tools are direct from England. The chairs are extra comfortable, and the environment is bright and cheery. I've had over 20 years experience in cutting and styling hair, so I'm sure you'll be pleased with your results. If you're not ready for a treatment, just stop on by to say hello, no?

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The counter area of the coffeeshop Here we see the counter area of the coffeeshop. I imported the cappuccino maker from Italy, and the machines to make slushies and iced coffee from the USA. You can either sit at the bar and chat with Nikki, or there are tables and chairs at the windows, so you can relax and watch the world go by. The computer area of the coffeeshop My son Willie wanted to get into the family business, so he brought down this computer and set it up for me. I have a cable modem connection, so the download times are fast and we are always connected. You can surf the web, check your email, or chat with your friends in other lands while enjoying the coffee and pastry of your choice. I always knew Willie would go far. (He is only 8.) The nail station, where we paint and polish As you walk to the back of the coffeeshop, and enter the salon area, the first part you come to is the nail station. Here we pamper your fingers and toes. If you're not happy with the nails that God gave you, we can apply the ones you should have been given, as well as paint, polish, trim, whatever. The massage room, quiet, peaceful, and tranquil. Just behind the nail station is the massage room, where you can relax to the soft music and scented candles, while our massage therapist works on your body. It is so relaxing, don't be surprised if you find yourself in an altered state of conciousness. This is even better then two large margaritas at Sr. Frogs, and without the nasty side effects the next day. The front of the salon, with 3 hair stations Here is where the real magic happens, and bad hair days become beautifully coiffed ornaments for you lovely face. There are three stations so you rarely have to wait. You can see Zulema hard at work here makeing sure her customer is the best she can be. The back of the salon, with the hair washing station In the back of the salon is usually your first stop, where you lean back while your hair is throughly washed in warm water and rich luxurious shampoo. By the way, all of the professional hair care products used here are for sale at the front counter. The portable hair dryer is moved from station to station as the need arises.

Quote of the day:
Most of our future lies ahead.
Denny Crum, Louisville Basketball coach

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