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lances and mounted on padded horses enter the ring. They drive their lances
into the shoulder muscle of the bull so that the bull is weakened and his head
begins to sag, thus exposing the entry point for the matador's sword. The
matador observes the movements from a safe distance, but sometimes will exe-
cute a few cape passes.
After the horsemen exit the ring, a second trumpet sounds and banderillas,
dismounted men carrying colorful two and one-half feet darts, enter. The men
drive the darts into the shoulders of the bull, usually three on each side. This
is not considered very dangerous, but the banderillas must be nimble of foot
to avoid the horns.
The third act is the most exciting, and the spectators really become part of
the show. It is man versus beast with the bull's charges, and the matador's cape-
work, ending in the final thrust of the sword. As the final act begins, a third
trumpet sounds signaling the start of the 16-minute clock--the bull must be
killed within that time. The fans watch the matador very carefully, judging his
performance. The fighting is judged more on subtleties rather than posturing
or irresponsible displays of bravery. The matador's performance is judged on
four criteria:
Restraint/control: The matador positions the bull, rather than the other way
around. He usually positions the bull either in front of the judges, most expen-
sive seats, or in front of his girl friend. The matador must maintain an erect
posture, with feet close together, not allowing the bull to make his feet move as
he works it with his cape.
Style/timing: Judging is based on the distance between the bull and the cape
during each pass, and the distance between the bull and matador. Holding the
cape at arms length is not a highly rated technique.
Command: Which is controlling the bull through movements of the mata-
dor's cape and body. The bull is supposed to be drawn to the matador, but not
be allowed to intimidate him. If the matador allows the bull to take charge, fol-
lowing him around in order to demonstrate cape work, the crowd begins to
chant "Toro! Toro!" informing the judges that the bull is running the show.
Faena: Is when the matador kills the bull. When the matador senses that the
bull and/or the crowd are ready, he exchanges the cape for a smaller killing cape.
He removes his cap and approaches the judges, getting permission to kill. The
matador dedicates the bull. If dedicated to the crowd, they cheer loudly, but
expect a good kill. The matador positions the bull and before it can charge he
raises his sword, sighting down the shaft. As the bull charges, the matador meets
M a z a t l a n I S P a r a d i s e