\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} \newcommand{\bfchange}[1]{\textcolor{red}{#1}} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \begin{Minutes}{General Assembly Minutes} \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Henry Laxen, Nadine Laxen, John Kading, Ruth Kading, Tim Whiting, Kate Schomp, Wil Wellmer, Lori Skoda, Ed Skoda} \minutesdate{Dec 4, 2012} \starttime{4:02pm} \endtime{5:30pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Quorum} A quorum was not established and after the requisite waiting period of ten minutes the assembled members were declared a quorum and meeting was brought to order at 4:15pm. The size of the quorum was determined to be 5 members, meaning that a 2/3 majority would require at least 3 votes. \topic{Proxies}A request for proxies was made, but none were offered. \topic{Minutes} After a brief discussion, Wil made a motion to accept the previous minutes. Seconded by Ed, and approved unanimously. \decision{Minutes}{The minutes of the previous GA meeting were accepted} \topic{President's Report} Tim thanked Nadine and Henry for providing the pizza and the view, and Ruth for her tireless efforts as treasurer. He also thanked John Kading for this tireless work with Guillermo to keep the frac looking lovely. Tim spent several minutes reviewing the events of 2012, with particular emphasis on the well crisis that took place in the summer. As you may recall, the well suddenly was pumping more mud than water. After Tim returned, he contacted Salvador Lopez from La Barca, who ran a 24 hour experiment on the well and reported his findings. His suggestions were implemented, and now the well is running much better. One of the main reasons the well problem remained a problem, and not a catastrophe, is because at the previous GA meeting in 2011 we elected to establish a contingency fund, which contained enough money to squeeze through the crisis. A lively discussion, mostly between Tim, Wil, and Henry, followed after Henry raised the topic of augmenting the contingency fund in the future with a dues increase of \$500 pesos. In the end, it was agreed that the dues increase to \$7500 pesos per year, and that \$500 pesos of the dues collected, in addition to any annual leftover funds be put into the contingency fund until it reaches \$75000 pesos. At that point, the annual dues will be reduced to \$7000 pesos as long as the contingency fund remains above \$75000 pesos. The general consensus was that this approach would minimize the likelihood of another special assessment, and make it easier for the residents of \ldm to stay current with their obligations. Next Ruth raised the issue of giving Guillermo, our gardener, a raise of five pesos per hour. He has been working well for three years without an increase. Will pointed out that the minimum wage in Mexico is around \$61 pesos per day, and that he believes Guillermo is greatly overpaid. Another lively discussion followed, and in the end it was decided to grant Guillermo's raise. \topic{Treasurer's report} Ruth described the current state of affairs with our budget, and the expected expenses until the end of the year. In short, we expect to finish the year with a surplus of approximately \$15,000 pesos, meaning that last year's budget was quite accurate. The carryover will be put into the contingency fund for next year. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline \hline Item &2012 Budget &Proposed 2013 Budget \\ Water &40,000.00 &53,000.00 \\ Maintenance &34,000.00 &53,000.00 \\ CFE &45,000.00 &37,000.00 \\ Administration &25,000.00 &32,000.00 \\ Legal &15,000.00 &10,500.00 \\ Misc. &12,000.00 &0.00 \\ Bank Charges &4250.00 &5500.00 \\ \textbf{Total} &175,250.00 &191,000 \\ \hline \hline \textbf{Bank reserves-required} &20,000.00 &20,000.00 \\ Santander Serfin &10,000.00 &10,000.00 \\ Actinver &10,000.00 &10,000.00 \\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{\textbf{Proposed capital reserve fund}}\\ & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Proposed Budget for 2013}\\ & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{Approximately 27,500}\\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l}{\textbf{2013 Projected income}} & All Houses \footnotemark[1]\\ & & \\ \hline \parbox{1.6in}{Dues: 28 houses @ 7,500.00 + 1 log} & &211,000.00 \\ Estimated Water Overage & &12,000.00 \\ Estimated Actinver gain & &3000.00 \\ &\textbf{Total} &226,000.00 \\ \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{|l}{\textbf{2013 Projected income}} & Without Morosos \footnotemark[1]\\ \hline \parbox{1.6in}{Dues: 25 houses @ 7,500.00 + 1 lot} & &188,500.00 \\ Estimated Water Overage & &12,000.00 \\ Estimated Actinver gain & &3000.00 \\ &\textbf{Total} &203,500.00 \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \footnotetext[1]{In order to give an accurate income projection, we have split the budget into two sections. The first section assumes all houses will pay their dues, while the second assumes that the houses that have not paid in the last several years will continue to fail to do so.} The proposed budget of \$203,500 leaves us with a \$27,500 surplus, which will be placed into our contingency fund for unknown future expenses. Will moved to accept the 2013 budget as proposed. Ed seconded the motion and all voted in favor.\footnotemark[2] \decision{Budget for 2013}{The budget of \$203,500 was approved, calling for an increase in the yearly dues to \$7500 pesos.} \footnotetext[2]{The full 2013 budget is available on line at \url{http://www.nadineloveshenry.com/chapala/ldm/gaMeetings/2013ldmBudget.pdf}} Ruth noted that the portion of next years budget relating to water is \$81,000 pesos, or 42.4\%. The interest penalty rate will remain the same at 4\%/month. A Table explaining the water rates is as follows: \begin{tabular}{|l|r|} \hline \parbox{1in}{Amount of water in cubic meters} & \parbox{1in}{Price per cubic meter in pesos} \\ \hline 0 - 300 & included\\ \hline 301-500 & 3.00\\ \hline 501-1000 & 3.75\\ \hline 1000+ & 7.00\\ \hline \end{tabular} \begin{minipage}{.8\linewidth} \textit{Failure to pay all dues and water overages by the date indicated (30 days from date of bill,) or to make alternative arrangements with the Treasurer before that time, shall cause interest on any unpaid amount to accrue at 4\% per month. Continued noncompliance (failure to pay by 60 days from the date of the bill) shall result in the cessation of water delivery to the residence in question.} \end{minipage} This is unchanged from the previous year. \topic{Morosos} The following properties have not paid their past due assessments and are considered morosos. The board may in the future pursue these delinquent homeowners by whatever legal means at their disposal, including hiring an attorney and filing liens on the properties. \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \hline House \# 26 & Sra. Armida Toledo Gonzalez\\ \hline House \# 27 & Sra. Marta Elena Perez Toledo\\ \hline House \# 35 & Sr. Agustine Rosas Lomeli\\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \topic{President's Report Continued} Tim pointed out, for those who are not aware, that an up to date collection of documents relating to \ldm is available at Nadine and Henry's website \footnotemark[3]. \footnotetext[3]{\url{http://www.nadineloveshenry.com/chapala/ldm/}} Tim mentioned the excellent service he received from Salvador Lopez from La Barca, when we had the well problems. It seems the well is now running well, and electricity use has not gone up, and Sr. Lopez said that the well should continue to operate for many years to come. Next Tim addressed the CNA concession. We (\ldm) applied for the concession six months before the end of our existing ten year concession in August 2012. He has had considerable difficulty establishing contact with Sr. Salvador Alcantar since making the final payment. Recently however, he has been reassured that all of the paperwork is in place, and he has received a receipt from the government that this is so. The outflow pipe in the arroyo next to Tim's house has been repaired, and the bank of the arroyo has been reinforced, including a arch to keep the new walls in place. Tim would like to remind residents to take photos of their employees and contractors and submit them to Henry, who will put them on line. That way we (the residents) will know who belongs here and who does not. \topic{New Business} Tim brought up the issue of joining the newly formed Association of Fraccionamientos of Chapala and Ajijic\footnotemark[4]. This association will provide greater negotiating clout with the local government, and four of the larger fracs in the area have already joined. Membership is \$3000 pesos and participation in any resolutions decided upon by the members is optional. Lori motioned and Henry seconded that we add the following, printed in italic, to the bylaws: \textit{When approved by the Board of Directors, the Colonos may join other associations and A.C.'s which have similar objectives to form a ``Junta de Colonos'' in accordance with Article 113 (one hundred thirteen) of the ``Ley Org\'{a}nica Municipal.''} Accepted unanimously. \decision{Joining the Frac. Association}{Add language to the bylaws to allow Tim to have the power to join the newly formed Association of Fraccionamientos of Chapala and Ajijic if he decides it is in our interest} \footnotetext[4]{\url{http://www.nadineloveshenry.com/chapala/ldm/AssociationOfFracs.pdf}} There have been complaints about the irregularity of the garbage pickup. After meeting with the new head of the sanitation department, we were promised trice weekly pic, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between the hours of 10am and 12 noon. For safety reasons, Tim has asked Guillermo to paint house numbers on the curb in front of each house in white with a red background. This will make it easier for emergency vehicles to find the houses in the future. \topic{Elections} The current board resigned, paving the way for new elections. The following slate of officers was proposed by Henry, seconded by Lori, and accepted unanimously: \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \hline President & Timothy Napier Whiting\\ \hline Vice President & Lorraine Selma Skoda\\ \hline Treasurer & Ruth Mapes Kading\\ \hline Secretary & Henry Herman Laxen\\ \hline Member at Large & Romeo Joseph Danni\\ \hline Comisario & William Harold Friend\\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} Any current member of the Frac who is interested in serving on the board is \textbf{strongly encouraged} to do so. Please contact one of the existing board members to express your willingness. \decision{New officers}{President Tim, Vice President Lori, Treasurer Ruth, Secretary Henry, Member Romeo, Commisario Bill} \topic{Future Meeting} The date of the next meeting was not discussed \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm. \textbf{Estos minutos puede ser obteninido en Espanol si estan pedido.} \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}