\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english,dutch,german]{babel} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} % \includegraphics[width=6in]{amigos.eps} % \input{logo} \title{ % Minutes of the General Membership Meeting of October 19, 2009\\[1cm] % } \begin{Minutes}{ Asociaci\'{o}n Colonos Lomas del Manglar, A.C. } \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Sam and Pat LeBeau, Julia Boogaard, William Bratton, Linda Clark, Romeo and Ruth Danni, William Friend, John Kading, D'Arc and Sandy Kingham, Claire Knutson, Nadine and Henry Laxen, Ron and Winnifred Napier, Jimmy O'Conner, Lori Skoda, Wil Welmaer, Tim Whiting and Kate Schomp, and Daniel D. Schrein via proxy to Sam LeBeau} \minutesdate{January 27, 2010} \starttime{4:11pm} \endtime{6:25pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Quorum} A quorum was established and the meeting was brought to order at 4:11pm \topic{Minutes} Will motioned to accept the previous minutes. Seconded by D'Arc, all approved. \topic{Treasurer's Report} \subtopic{2009 Issues} John Kading gave a lengthy treasurer's report. I am including his report here in the minutes. \begin{enumerate} \item IETU Tax -- The accountant has figured out how to file our accounts with Hacienda without having to pay the tax. She has gotten guidance that as an A.C. we are exempt and do not owe the tax. \item 4th quarter expenses (beyond routine and regular monthly expenses): \begin{enumerate} \item Gardening/general maintenance -- 850MN instead of 3700MN anticipated plus a few supplies \item No IETU tax -- savings of 17,200MN \item Protocolization of 2009 GA minutes 3500MN instead of 4800MN \item 3 street lights replaced \item Accountant paid for filing first 4 months of 2009 \item Electrical wires and sensor wires from electric meter to pump house relocated from across the yard of Casa 9 to down the stairs and over to the pump house 9890MN \item Year end report -- see Summary page \end{enumerate} \begin{enumerate} \item Carry-over to 2010 = 53,057MN \item 2010 dues paid in 2009 = 82,485MN \item 2010 water overage paid in 2009 = 1247MN \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \subtopic{2010 Issues} \begin{enumerate} \item 2010 dues \& water overage -- as of January 27, 2010 \begin{enumerate} \item 22 casas have paid all or part of their dues = 130,425.70MN \item 7 casas \& Consuelo have paid water overage = 4012MN \item Dues still owing - 4 casas and 1 partial = 26,500MN \item Water overage still owing -- 4 casas and Consuelo = 8454MN \end{enumerate} \item 2010 budget -- See Budget sheet \item Accountant -- Silvina is closing her office to pursue other ventures. She is keeping a few of her current clients and will work from her home for them. She will keep our account if we want, but will raise our monthly fee from 350MN to 500MN. \end{enumerate} \decision{Budget}{The proposed budget was approved} Motion made by Will and seconded by Clair, all approved. \decision{Accountant}{Explore candidates for a new accountant} \topic{President's Report} Tim applauded those present for attending, and said that such good attendance is key to a working environment aimed at facilitation rather than confrontation. He thanks Nadine \& Henry for providing their house as a meeting place, and for the presence of pizza. Tim then briefly reviewed some of the achievements of 2009, including the building of the wall in Via Alta, and replacing all of the street light bulbs with higher efficiency bulbs. He asked that future bulb purchases/replacements go through him. \topic{Old Business} \subtopic{Gardening and common area maintenance} \begin{enumerate} \item John and others have been picking up some of the common area maintenance \item Need to discuss increased maintenance load prior to the coming rainy season. \end{enumerate} \subtopic{Water issues} \begin{enumerate} \item We are exceeding our official allotment according to meter affixed at the well head. \begin{enumerate} \item Jonn said the big meter shows almost twice as much usage as the sum of the small meters in the past, but after fixing some major leaks, particularly around casa \#9, the big meter now shows about 20-30\% more than the sum of the small meters. \item Bill Friend suggested that the big meter also measures the air that is pumped out of the well, which may account for the discrepancy \item Bill Bratten says that the tank only needs cleaning every six months, not every three months. \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \subtopic{Proxies} Recalling that there was considerable debate at the previous meeting regarding proxies, Tim investigated the wording of the association bylaws. He proposed the following policy regarding proxies \textit{If requested by a member who expects to be absent on the date of a meeting, an official written proxy will be made available to that member by the association President: it shall be numbered and a record kept as to when and to whom it was issued. This form will have a space in which the member may indicate, by reference to an item on the posted agenda for that meeting, how he or she wishes to vote. The proxy holder will act for the member for all other business conducted during that meeting. No other proxy form will be accepted. No member may present and vote more than one [1] proxy. Solicitation of proxies is strongly discouraged.} \decision{Proxies}{The text presented by Tim above will be adopted as our proxy policy} Motioned by Will, seconded by Nadine. In favor 10 (including proxy vote of Daniel D. Schrein made by Sam LeBeau, opposed 5. Motion carried. \topic{New Business} \subtopic{Future Meetings} The bylaws specify there must be a quarterly meeting, but not the actual date. Tim suggested, and was encouraged by those present, to take a flexible view towards future meeting dates. The fact that Dominoes offers two for pizza on Tuesdays was noted. It was expressed that future meetings become more social in nature. Nadine and Henry volunteered their home as a future meeting place for the foreseeable future. \subtopic{Work Party} With the coming rainy season, the need for a work party was discussed, and was tabled until the spring meeting. \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm. \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}