\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english,dutch,german]{babel} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} % \includegraphics[width=6in]{amigos.eps} % \input{logo} \title{ % Minutes of the General Membership Meeting of October 19, 2009\\[1cm] % } \begin{Minutes}{ Asociaci\'{o}n Colonos Lomas del Manglar, A.C. } \selectlanguage{english} \participant{ Ron Napier, Wil Wellmer, Bill Bratton, Julia Boogaard, Ruth Kading, John Kading, Clair Knutson, Pat Lebeau, Dan Schrein, James O'Connor, Luci Zuniga-Murray, Ed Skoda, Sam Lebeau, D'Arc Kingham, Tim Whiting, Nadine Laxen, Romeo Danni, Lori Skoda, Glenn O'Conner} \minutesdate{October 19, 2009} \starttime{4pm} \endtime{6:25pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Quorum} A quorum was established and the meeting was brought to order at 4pm \topic{Treasurer's Report} \subtopic{Current Account} \begin{enumerate} \item The treasurer distributed a graph showing the 2009 budget. If you did not receive one and with to, please contack John or Ruth Kading. \item Copies of the January - September 2009 Year-To-Date Income and Expense Summary Report were distributed \begin{enumerate} \item As of September 30, 2009 we have a balance of 84,095MN \item 36,780MN is in current 09 operating budget \item 37,315MN designated and undesignated 08 carryover \item 10,000MN required bank reserves \item Projected spending for the reminder of 2009 is 43,155MN including: \begin{enumerate} \item 3700MN for gardener/general maintenance \item 15,000MN for IETU taxes \item 4800MN for protocolization of 2009 minutes \end{enumerate} \item There will be approximately 40,000MN carry over to the 2010 budget \end{enumerate} \item 2008 accounts were finally filed with Hacienda Oct. 8, 2009 \item Silvina has started the process of filing the 2009 accounts. There is a new tax starting this year, IETU. It is based on our income less legal facturas, receipts, etc. and previously paid taxes. The amount for 2009 is approximately 17,200MN; possibly less as Silvina looks for ways to decrease it. \item We are continuing to look into if we actually have to pay the tax, based on our non-profit status. Trying to get information from other associations on what they know and how they're handling this. May need to get advice from a lawyer. May have to revise constitution and/or by-laws. \item Garbage Pickup - who is responsible for Christmas Tip - fracc. or individuals? 2008 fracc. paid 150MN. \end{enumerate} \subtopic{2010 Proposed Budget} \begin{enumerate} \item Increase of 41,950MN over 2009 \begin{enumerate} \item Maintenance 34,5000 \item Water +60,000 \item Office + 1,000 \item Bank Reserves +15,000 \item Bank Charges +450 \end{enumerate} \item Approximately 40,000MN carry over will almost balance the budget but leave no reserves for any major problems. \end{enumerate} \topic{Old Business} \begin{enumerate} \item Up pipe from well was rerouted, cost 38,000p. A leak in front of casa 2 was repaired. A crack was repaired in the down pipe. \item Will reported on a water test done by CARE, done before tank was cleaned and sample taken from his home. It stated coliform was elevated to 5 and water not safe to drink. The validity of the test was questioned because of where the sample was taken. \item Dan reported on the honorary membership for Consuela. Though a done deed, it was tabled for procedural reasons. This honorary membership was established to satisfy CNA should they question Consuela buying water from the fracc. \end{enumerate} \topic{New Business} \begin{enumerate} \item The boards proposals for change in bylaws for proxy votes was tabled for further discussion in January because of procedural issues. \item After lengthy discussion , there was no consensus as to how to proceed with hiring someone to care for common areas. Tim moved that we comply with Dan's suggestion for now. We will hire Lupe, the gardener for John and Ruth and pay him 150p per section. Everyone seemed in agreement with this temporary solution. \item Proposed budget for 2010. See attached. Will proposed that we accept the proposed budget. Bill Bratton moved that we do not increase dues but do a special assessment should the need arise.....and to inform people of the possibility of this. Seconded by Ron Napier. Carried. \item Interest rates for penalties will remain unchanged at 4\%. The president has the authority to sign for the fraccionamiento. \item The present board of directors will resign as of Dec. 31st, 2009. New board of directors elected as follows: \newcommand{\position}[1]{\textit{#1}} \subtopic{Decisions} \decisiontheme{positions}{Newly Elected Officers} \decision{positions}{\position{President } Timothy Napier Whiting} Nominated by Lori Skoda, 2nd by Ron Napier. Carried unanimously. \decision{positions}{\position{Vice President }{William Wayne Bratton}} Nominated by Tim Whiting 2nd by Ron Napier. Carried unanimously. \decision{positions}{\position{Treasurer }{John Milton Kading}} Nominated by Wil Wellmer, 2nd by Pat Lebeau. Carried unanimously. \decision{positions}{\position{Secretary }{Henry Herman Laxen}} Nominated by Ruth Kading, 2nd by D'Arc Kingham. Carried unanimously. \decision{positions}{\position{Commisario }{William Harold Friend}} Nominated by Lori Skoda, 2nd by Pat Lebeau. Carried unanimously. \decision{positions}{\position{Members at large }{Lorraine Selma Skoda}} Nominated by Dan, 2nd by John Kading. Carried unanimously. \item Agenda to go out by email 15 days prior to the next meeting. Board minutes also to go out to the membership. \end{enumerate} \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm. \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}