\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} % \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \usepackage{color} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \begin{Minutes}{ Board of Directors Meetings } \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Wil Wellmer,Tim Whiting, Lori Skoda, Henry Laxen, Bill Friend, Silvia Sebastian, Armandina Juarez Rosales} \minutesdate{October 13, 2015} \starttime{4:12pm} \endtime{5:28pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions{} \topic{President's Report} \subtopic{Summary of Accounts} At this point we do not have year to date expenses, but our balances are \$232,647 in Actinver, and \$65,503 in Santander as of the end of September. \subtopic{Reinstated Members} In June, Jose Carlos Rosas contacted Lori and Henry to negotiate a settlement about rejoining the Frac. A month later he returned and offered us \$30,000 pesos to rejoin as of January 1, 2015. We accepted his offer and he is now a full dues paying member of the \acldm{}. \subtopic{Frac appearance} Tim walked around the Frac upon his return, and commented that in general things look pretty good. Of course we need to address the wall that collapsed under Villa Alta. Also, Guillermo needs to clean up the growth around the well. One of the problems he noticed was the debris that is collecting in the arroyo behind the pool construction at Villa Alta \#3. Deena has promised to do the clean up once the pool construction is completed. \subtopic{Water} Tim spoke about the ongoing negotiations with Conagua, the supplier of water to the Frac. We are close to exceeding our allocated limit, and the negotiations that started last year have come to a standstill. In order not to exceed our quota, we ask that all new swimming pools use pipa trucks to originally fill their pools. Thereafter, the water level can be maintained using frac water. Deena volunteered to contact conagua and see if limits can be raised. Henry sent her the contact info for Sr. Alcantar \subtopic{Power washer} Lori reported that after a long and faithful service, our power washer finally had to be laid to rest. Silvia moved that we buy a new power washer and no longer make it available to residents. Wil amended the motion and added that we would make it available to residents with a ``chit system.'' No second for Wil's amendment. Henry seconded Sivia's motion. Vote 3 in favor 1 against. Silvia's motion carried. \decision{Power washer}{Buy a new power washer and no longer make it available to residents. It can only be used for \textit{Frac} projects.} \subtopic{Wall work} Tim received two estimates for the wall work at Villa Alta, one from Enrique and one from Octavio. Enrique's bid was substantially lower, and he agreed to honor it after six months had passed. For the upper wall Enrique's estimate comes to \$35,000 plus IVA (5760) and \$22,000 plus IVA (3250) for the lower wall. That brings the total to approximately \$70,000 pesos. % Tim received two estimates for the wall work at Villa Alta, one % from Enrique and one from Octavio. Enrique's bid was % substantially lower, and he agreed to honor it after six months % had passed. Here are the details of Enrique's proposal: % \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|r|} % \multicolumn{4}{c}{Presupuesto Villa alta timote}\\ % \hline % Varilla 1/2 pulgada & 8 & (135) & 1,080\\ % \hline % Varilla 3/8 & 15 & (110) & 1,320\\ % \hline % Armado & 30 & (55) & 1,650\\ % \hline % Alambre cosido & 30k & (32) & 960\\ % \hline % Varilla 1/2 & 7 piezas & (135) & 945\\ % \hline % Varilla 3/8 & 6 piezas & (110) & 660\\ % \hline % Abrir cajas para castillos & 7 piezas & (140) & 980\\ % \hline % Colar anclaje & 7 piezas & (175) & 1,225\\ % \hline % Colar dala & 30 m. & (285) & 8,550\\ % \hline % Muro & (19.20) (2.10) (85) = 34.27m. & (780) & 26,730\\ % \hline % Muro & (10) (2.10) (85) = 17.85 & (780) & 13,400\\ % \hline % & & & Total = 57,500\\ % \hline % \end{tabular} Tim noted that material prices go up in the middle of November. We should buy the materials now and store them in the triangle. The wall work can be done without touching the reserve. After extended discussion, it was decided by unanimous vote, that using the \$30000 \textit{windfall} from Rosas rejoining Fracc., and \$45000 from money that had not been spent from our annual budget, that President was authorized to spend up to \$75000 pesos to get the two wall projects done with facturas. \decision{Walls}{Tim is authorized to spend up to \$75000 pesos to repair and extend the walls} A question was asked about special assessments. We try to avoid them whenever possible, as there are some residents of the frac who are on a tight budget. We are trying to build a reserve for emergencies in the future, and thus avoid placing strain on the residents. \topic{Other Business} The time has come for another General Assembly meeting. After consulting with the availability of the Board members we decided to hold the next GA meeting on December 8th at 4pm at Villa Alta \#6. Pizza will be served. \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 5:28. \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}