\documentclass[letterpaper,oneside]{article} \usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} \usepackage{hyperref} % top=.8in, bottom=0in, left=0cm, right=0cm, nohead, showframe, % nofoot, foot=12pt, ]{geometry} \usepackage{manglar} % \usepackage{draftcopy} \draftcopyName{Pro Forma}{155} \usepackage{xtab} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \begin{document} \linespread{.98} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \begin{sffamily} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{center} \LARGE{Lomas del Manglar Homeowners}\\ \Large{Agenda for the General assembly to be held at Villa Alta \#6\\ (Nadine and Henry Laxen's house)\\ 4 pm Tuesday, Dec 8, 2015} \end{center} % \vspace{12pt} \begin{enumerate} \large \item Secretary to register attending members, and collect proxies \item Call to order \item Determination of quorum (includes 10 minute recess and recall to constitute a quorum if needed) \item Acceptance and or modification of previous board minutes already sent to all members \item Treasurer's Report - Will include transactions through November. \begin{enumerate} \item Will include various informational items as well as some things that just need to be placed in the minutes, but don't need to be voted on. Tim will address the well, the water tank repair and painting, and some future projects. \item Proposed budget and dues, including all the other standard stuff that has to be recorded into the minutes such as interest/penalty rates, water rates, construction deposit and water hook-up rates \end{enumerate} \item Comisario's report if necessary \item Presidents report: \begin{enumerate} \item thank yous \item report of \textit{agreement} with Rosa's owner of 35,37 \item Status of entrance pillars, and wall projects \item status of \textit{new} yard waste hauling service \item status of water tank and cleaning \item review of our inability to get useful information to proceed with increase in CNA allotment of water, unusually wet summer seems to have given us a \textit{reprieve} of sorts \item Bill Bratton issue, once again highlights need for system for current relatives or responsible parties to be aware Mexican owners, we offer a service whereby Board maintains a list (not open to anyone, but board members, and then only for bona fide emergencies), it has so far attracted only 4 answers \item Should we design and enforce a letter of acquiescence of Frac. membership as a condition to water delivery service? \end{enumerate} \item Old Business from the floor \item New Business \begin{enumerate} \item proposal of new annual budget, dues, water rates and penalties for failure to pay in timely manner (all would stay the same), but all need be recorded in excruciating detail. Vote on this proposal, and to record all of it in minutes to be later protocolized. \item authorize President to involve and work with an attorney in attempting to clarify CNA question. Set a budget for this endeavor. \item because of limitations of our water allotment at the present time, it is proposed that owners of new and or dormant swimming pools be required to pay for Pipa trucks to do their \textit{first fill.} Subsequent maintenance water would be included in, and charged as usual under our accepted water policy and rates. \item Authorize President to involve an attorney to clarify boundaries between private property, fracc property and city property, with particular attention to very large trees at entrance so more clearly define responsibilities and liabilities for same. Set a budget for this endeavor. \item Credentials pictures of all workers? \item Resignation of old board and election of new board \item \textbf{Discussion but no vote} (by bylaws) on any other business that is brought up from the floor. \item Adjournment (Upon request all of the above will be made available in Spanish) \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{sffamily} \end{document}