\documentclass[letterpaper,oneside]{article} \usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} %top=.8in, bottom=0in, left=0cm, right=0cm, nohead, % showframe, nofoot, %foot=12pt, ]{geometry} \usepackage{xtab} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \begin{document} \linespread{.98} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \begin{sffamily} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{center} \LARGE{Lomas del Manglar Homeowners}\\ \Large{Agenda for the General assembly to be held at Villa Alta \#6\\ (Nadine and Henry Laxen's house)\\ 4 pm June 7, 2011} \end{center} % \vspace{12pt} \begin{enumerate} \large \item Secretary to register attending members, and collect proxies \item Call to order \item Determination of quorum (includes recess and recall to constitute a quorum if needed) \item Acceptance and or modification of minutes already sent to all members \item Treasurer's Report - Will include report on dues and special assessment income and status of the current budget. \item Comisario's report if necessary \item Presidents report: Will include various informational items as well as some things that just need to be placed in the minutes, but don't need to be voted on. Tim will address the well, the water tank repair and painting, and some future projects. \item Old business \begin{enumerate} \item Revised Bylaws completed in both English and Spanish copies to be distributed \item Should these documents be made available online? \item New status of morosos \item Yard waste \item Old Business from the floor \end{enumerate} \item New Business \begin{enumerate} \item Water restriction as policy. When, How, Options. \item Legal Judgements \item Should we design and enforce a \textit{letter of acquiescence of Frac. membership} as a condition to water delivery service? \item Proposed New Projects - The following items assume that sufficient funding exists in our current account to accomplish them on November 1, 2011. \begin{enumerate} \item The underground pipes throughout the frac are now almost 30 years old, and may fail at any time. Should we replace the underground piping system that leads from the stairs at the well down to casa \#8 The estimated cost is \$75K pesos for this project, and we consider it the first stage in the eventual replacement of all underground piping. \item After comparing photos taken before and after the rains this summer, should we construct 3 new reinforced concrete buttresses, and repoint cracks in the wall supporting the road up to VA, cost not to exceed \$55K pesos. \item Should we repaint and repair the curbs and the bottoms of the telephone poles white, as was done up at Via Alta, for a cost not to exceed \$12K pesos? \end{enumerate} \item New Business from the floor \end{enumerate} \item Adjournment (Upon request all of the above will be made available in Spanish) \end{enumerate} \end{sffamily} \end{document}