\documentclass[letterpaper,oneside]{article} \usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} %top=.8in, bottom=0in, left=0cm, right=0cm, nohead, % showframe, nofoot, %foot=12pt, ]{geometry} \usepackage{xtab} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \begin{document} \linespread{.98} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \begin{sffamily} \pagestyle{plain} \begin{center} \LARGE{Lomas del Manglar Homeowners}\\ \Large{Agenda for the General assembly to be held at Villa Alta \#6\\ (Nadine and Henry Laxen's house)\\ 4 pm June 1, 2010} \end{center} % \vspace{12pt} \begin{enumerate} \large \item Secretary to register attending members, and collect proxies \item Call to order \item Determination of quorum (includes recess and recall to constitute a quorum if needed) \item Acceptance and or modification of minutes already sent to all members \item Treasurers Report \item Presidents report: Will include various informational items as well as some things that just need to be placed in the minutes ,but don't need to be voted on. \item Old business \begin{enumerate} \item Maintenance program \item Old Business from the floor \end{enumerate} \item New Business \begin{enumerate} \item Bylaw change to be voted on Article V - \#1 to read: There will be two regular General Assembly meetings per year .The first will be in one of the first two weeks of June, and the second, to be known as the annual general assembly, will be in one of the first 2 weeks in December. The above will also require the following change. Article IV - \#2 to read: ``December'' instead of ``annual fourth quarter (November)'' \item Discussion and possible vote on official notification by Fraccimiento being defined as an email being sent to latest current email address we have for the owner , and it not being returned as undeliverable or ``Mailer Demon'' messages \item Discussion and vote on the handling of accounting for 2009: either to show a large amount of non factura expenses which will require payment of taxes or to instruct accountant to report them as ``gastos Buenos'' and accept the possible consequences. \item \emph{Work Party} to address various minor cosmetic/maintenance issues \end{enumerate} \item Adjournment \end{enumerate} \end{sffamily} \end{document}